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External Attack Surface Management: Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity

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Unlocking Security Insights: External Attack Surface Management and the Role of Cyber Threat Intelligence

In today's digital landscape, organizations face a challenging array of threats that continuously evolve, making it crucial to adapt to the complexities of defending against external attacks. From digital transformation to the proliferation of software-as-a-service (SaaS) adoption, the need to manage the external attack surface has never been more critical.

Key points in this whitepaper:

  • Digital transformation, multi-cloud, SaaS adoption, and digital supply chain risks are expanding the external attack surface at a rapid pace.
  • Legacy IT systems, unpatched vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, shadow IT, forgotten third-party services, exposed cloud storage buckets, and leaked credentials are all potential points of exposure.
  • External Attack Surface Management (EASM) is instrumental in reducing the complexity of defending the dynamic attack surface by monitoring known assets and discovering new, unknown, and unsanctioned internet-facing assets.
  • Insightful cyber threat intelligence (CTI) that contextualizes the threat landscape is integral for defenders to focus on asset remediation.

To gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Cyber Threat Intelligence in External Attack Surface Management and learn about different methodologies and the benefits of CTI-led EASM, download our comprehensive whitepaper. Take proactive steps towards reducing operational and third-party risks with a well-established CTI security program. 

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