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Fight Cyber Threats. And win.

Intel 471 empowers security teams to be proactive with our relevant and timely insights into the cyber underground

Announcement Frost & Sullivan recognizes Intel 471 with the 2024 Global Enabling Technology Leadership Award
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GIR handbook updated

Cyber Underground Handbook

The Cyber Underground General Intelligence Requirements Handbook helps you take your security operation to the next level of sophistication. The Intel 471 proprietary GIR Framework defines relevance, synchronizes the intelligence effort, and routes information to the right stakeholders or systems.

Request your free copy of the Intel 471 General Intelligence Requirements Handbook today and learn about how our customers utilize the GIR Framework and Intelligence Planning Workbook to enhance the process of cyber threat identification and tracking.

Products & Services

Insights Driving Action

The four brand pillars on which we have built our intelligence capabilities demonstrate why our intelligence gathering is unique, why our intelligence is valuable, and how our intelligence can be tailored for different CTI needs to ensure the organizations we protect inform decisions and operations.

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Intel 471’s underground intelligence is truly unparalleled: The deeper I go into TITAN for research, the more amazed I am at the level of detail and the scope of tracking that's been put into the years of work by the team. Their GIR framework is also well thought out and I enjoy using it to shape the delivery of the SANS FO589 course.

- Will Thomas, CTI Researcher for the Equinix Threat Analysis Center and co-author of the SANS FOR589 course: Cybercrime Intelligence
Comprehensive intel

Core Platform Capabilities

Intel 471 is the premier provider of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) solutions across the globe. Our customers navigate TITAN, our feature-rich SaaS platform, which delivers our human-driven, automation enabled insights to provide full visibility of the threat actors and threats they pose to organizations. TITAN provides access to intelligence reports and raw data to satisfy our core capabilities:

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Adversary Intelligence

Understand what threat actors are planning, attacking, and how they operate. By learning the why and how of their behavior, you can proactively plan for – and help outwit – their attacks. Intel 471 provides ongoing automated collection, local human intelligence reporting, and high-fidelity alerting of top-tier cybercriminals. We customize these results to your business, industry, and geography, enabling you to make critical decisions based on trusted intelligence.

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Credential Intelligence

Mitigate the exposure of compromised credentials that could be used to impersonate users, gain unauthorized network access, steal data, and commit fraud. Intel 471 provides constant monitoring and alerting of compromised credentials, alerting you to breaches involving your employees, VIPs, customers and third-party suppliers and vendors. We identify how leaks occurred, whether they are new, and the scope of damage, so that you can take appropriate action.


Malware Intelligence

Actively track weaponized and productionized threats that could cause security breaches, revenue loss, and customer harm. Gain real-time monitoring of malware activity and command and control infrastructures that’s paired with targeted human analysis. Tap Intel 471’s stream of technical indicators, campaign reporting and deep technical insights on top malware families to harden your defenses against the latest threats.

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Vulnerability Intelligence

Evolve your vulnerability management and program by prioritizing your patch management program. Intel 471 provides you with a lifecycle view of vulnerabilities, including weaponized and productionized threats. You gain ongoing monitoring and reporting of key vulnerabilities, prioritized by risk and impact. You can use insights to understand how threats are changing, prioritize patches, and reduce your risks over time.

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Marketplace Intelligence

Marketplace Intelligence offers insights into the most important and active underground marketplaces.

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Securing a Safer Future

Intel 471 is at the heart of the global intelligence industry providing unmatched analysis, data, and real-world solutions.