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Why Russia is a Hotbed of Cybercrime
Geographies// Sep 24, 2024

Why Russia is a Hotbed of Cybercrime

In this Studio 471, Alec Jackson discusses how deep, institutional corruption ties Russian IT professionals, organized criminal groups and the state together and how Russia leverages this to its advantage.

How the Russia-Ukraine conflict is impacting cybercrime
Geographies// Feb 15, 2022

How the Russia-Ukraine conflict is impacting cybercrime

Financially-motivated actors have been quiet, but that could change as the conflict escalates.

Look how many cybercriminals love Cobalt Strike
Geographies// May 19, 2021

Look how many cybercriminals love Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike has become a very common second-stage payload for many malware campaigns across many malware families.

Last Dash for Joker’s Stash: Carding forum may close in 30 days
Geographies// Jan 15, 2021

Last Dash for Joker’s Stash: Carding forum may close in 30 days

One of the most notable carding shops may be shutting down for good. The Joker’s Stash shop will be closing operations on Feb. 15, 2021, according to the site’s owner. In a message board post on a popular Russian-language cyb...

Nation-states are taking their supply-chain attack strategy from the cybercriminal underground
Geographies// Jan 15, 2021

Nation-states are taking their supply-chain attack strategy from the cybercriminal underground

It’s clear the SolarWinds incident has rocked the infosec community to its core, with the still-unfolding episode expected to reverberate in the industry for years to come. While there is still much to be uncovered, the publi...

Iran’s domestic espionage: Lessons from recent data leaks
Geographies// Jul 08, 2020

Iran’s domestic espionage: Lessons from recent data leaks

In the last decade, Iran has undergone a quiet revolution. Since the“Green Movement” uprising in 2009, more Iranians have dared to openly oppose their regime. The reasons include accusations of elections tampering, global san...

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AresLoader is a new loader malware-as-a-service (MaaS) offered by threat actors with links to Russian hacktivism that was spotted recently in the wild.