Malware Intelligence: Respond to Cybercrime Threats | Intel471 Skip to content

Malware Intelligence

Actively track weaponized and productionized threats

  • Security Operations (NOC/SOC)
  • Threat Hunting
  • Incident Response
  • Campaign Tracking
  • Third-Party Supplier and Vendor Risk


The core of Intel 471 Malware Intelligence is our unique and patented Malware Emulation and Tracking System (METS). METS provides ongoing surveillance of malware activity at the command and control level delivering near real-time insights and deep context in support of numerous cybersecurity and intelligence use cases, such as:

Mobile Malware

Mobile Malware, a key feature of our Malware Intelligence product tracks the top tier families focused on systems access, information stealing and financial fraud to allow you to detect and prevent account takeover, two factor authentication (2FA) bypass, fraud and data leakage from employees or customers.

Build a comprehensive picture of the Android malware landscape by combining in-depth analysis and tracking of mobile malware families and instances with tracking of the actors behind the development, sale and use of mobile malware across the underground.

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In-depth Malware Intelligence Reports

In-depth Malware Intelligence Reports providing analysis of malware families and features, network traffic, how to identify, detect and decode it, extract and parse its configuration, control server(s) encryption key and campaign ID.

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In-depth Tactics, Techniques, Procedures and Context

In-depth Tactics, Techniques, Procedures and Context to enable a detailed understanding when events are detected and blocked – including but not limited to linked malware family and version, encryption key, botnet ID, plugins used, expiration time and associated intelligence requirement(s).

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Timely and High-Fidelity File and Network-Based Indicator Feeds

Timely and high-fidelity File and Network Based Indicator feeds that can be automatically ingested and operationalized within security stacks to block and detect malicious activity from malware.

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YARA Rules and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

YARA Rules and IDS Signatures to accurately identify the identification and detection of malware families, malicious network traffic and improve detection systems.

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Malware and Botnet Configuration Information

Malware and Botnet Configuration Information providing decoded, decrypted and/or parsed configuration information enabling insight on specific targets of banking trojans, spam campaigns or other secondary malware payloads.

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In Depth Monitoring of Command and Control (c2) Servers

In depth monitoring of Command and Control (C&C) servers to capture commands and updates initiated by threat actors to include secondary payloads, plugins, modules and anything delivered to the bot from the adversary. All data is available for download for local processing and analysis.

Intel 471 Malware Intelligence

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