Malware Intelligence
Intel 471 Malware Intelligence allows you to actively track weaponized and productionized threats.
DarkGate Malware
GootLoader Malware
Tarrask Malware
Sibot Malware
Malware Intelligence
Actively track weaponized and productionized threats that could cause security breaches, revenue loss, and customer harm. Gain real-time monitoring of malware activity and command and control infrastructures that’s paired with targeted human analysis. Tap Intel 471’s stream of technical indicators, campaign reporting and deep technical insights on top malware families to harden your defenses against the latest threats.
HermeticWiper Malware
Emotet Malware
TEARDROP Dropper Malware
Mobile Malware Underground Perspective
This report discusses how mobile malware impacts Android devices from the perspective of cybercriminals and financially motivated threat actors. Get a deeper understanding of mobile malware attacks by downloading our whitepaper.
Malvertising Surges to Distribute Malware
The distribution of malware using pay-per-click ads surged in December 2022. Intel 471 analyzes the effects of these malvertising campaigns and explores defenses.