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Credential Intelligence

Accelerated mitigation of identity-related threats 
fortifies identity and access protection.

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Intel 471 Credential Intelligence provides continuous monitoring of underground marketplaces for compromised credentials and unique datasets collected from our human sources, automated collection, and infostealer malware-based sources.

Cybercrime growth is attributable to the availability of services and digital goods. Often these are offered by cybercriminals to their counterparts and even bad actor competitors. This relationship is known as business-to-business commerce in the legitimate economy, while it’s known as cybercrime-as-a-service in the illicit economy. The availability of these services allows fraudsters to focus on their specialty, whether that be ransomware, credit card fraud, ID theft, et al. One of the most popular is stolen login credentials. Unauthorized access to accounts and systems is nearly a universal trait of unlawful online activity.

Proactive compromised credential alerting ensures you know as soon as possible when employee or customer credentials hit underground marketplaces so you can swiftly invoke account protection mechanisms such as lockouts and resets, or enabling two-factor authentication. 

Intel 471 Credential Intelligence

Our Credential Intelligence Drives Multiple Core Use Cases.

EMPLOYEES: Know when your employee accounts have been compromised and stop Account Takeover (ATO) and other types of malicious activity.
VIPs: Proactively monitor and protect accounts of executives and key personnel before those key accounts are used as a launching point for attacks.
CUSTOMERS: Alert your customers to malware infections associated with their online accounts using your services.
THIRD-PARTY RELATIONSHIPS: Know when your third-party vendors and suppliers have exposure that, by extension, introduces additional risk to your business.
THREAT HUNTING: Use malware intelligence to search for other machines compromised by infostealer malware and prevent further credential harvesting.

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AresLoader is a new loader malware-as-a-service (MaaS) offered by threat actors with links to Russian hacktivism that was spotted recently in the wild.