Intel 471 Exposure Intelligence is uniquely positioned to drive our Cyber Threat Exposure solutions by combining our unparalleled cyber threat intelligence data, including deep and contextualized intelligence about malware, adversaries, vulnerabilities, fraud, breaches and more. Security teams can receive and respond to early warning signs - identifying in real-time when relevant and critical threats appear across the threat landscape. This enables our customers to be proactive in mitigating cyber risk: the difference between battling a full-scale crisis and rectifying an issue before it could be leveraged.
Neutralize Threats and Mitigate Risk Across Cyber Threat Exposure Use Cases
Cyber Threat Exposure Protection
Our CTI experts know the cyber underground and the actors who inhabit it, like no one else. We know which vulnerabilities are being discussed, and which threat actors are most likely to exploit them. Our CTI capabilities position you to look at your organization as an attacker would and mitigate risks accordingly.
To quote Sun Tzu, “if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Exposure Intelligence, the union of CTI with Threat Exposure Use Cases, reveals both these entities. This is the key to maintaining a proactive posture against cyber threats.