Pink Slime Journalism and the 2024 U.S. Presidential… | Intel 471 Skip to content

Pink Slime Journalism and the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election Report

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The rise of "pink slime" news sites poses a significant threat to the integrity of online news and, by extension, to democracy itself. These sites, which masquerade as legitimate local news outlets but actually peddle biased and misleading content, are on the rise, outnumbering traditional newspapers and spreading false claims at an alarming rate.

Free speech is a cornerstone of democracy, yet this same freedom also opens the door to the spread of misinformation. As we witness this rapid proliferation of misleading and ideologically-driven media, the question arises: how do we maintain the rights of a free press while ensuring the information they report is accurate and trustworthy?

As both campaigns in the 2024 U.S. Presidential race began zeroing in on swing states, Intel 471 analysts surveyed some of the key organizations and people that color the pink slime  journalism landscape.

Stay informed about the threat of pink slime journalism and its impact on democracy by downloading the detailed report from Intel 471.