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Attack Surface Discovery

Map the digital footprint of an organization or infrastructure using over 200 OSINT sources.

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Attack Surface Discovery is our introductory solution. It allows you to take a snapshot of an organization’s digital footprint at a single point in time.

With Attack Surface Discovery you can discover all of an organization’s internet facing assets, whether hosted in-house, in the cloud, under the control of IT or not (shadow IT). Often known as Asset Discovery, this offering is ideal to gain a better understanding of your attack surface, which is critical if you want to implement actions to reduce risk.

You can’t fix what you can’t see.

Attack Surface Discovery is perfect for:

  • Pentesters and security consultants looking to map out an organization's digital assets
  • Analysts looking to investigate incidents or attribute threats
  • Organizations who are just embarking on the attack surface protection journey

Get Attack Surface Discovery Today!

Using multiple OSINT sources to gather information is critical to getting a full view of an organization’s attack surface visibility — but the process of obtaining all the information necessary through many sources can be overly complicated and time-consuming. Intel 471's Attack Surface Protection solution suite is built on the SpiderFoot platform, which was designed to help users monitor over 200 different OSINT sources and gather intelligence on IP addresses, domain names, email addresses, names, etc Our attack surface protection offerings easily integrate with third-party APIs like Shodan, HaveIBeenPwned, AlienVault OTX and more.

For more information about OSINT data automation and the ability to integrate with third-party APIs to better understand and assess your organization’s attack surface visibility

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